TLS Fingerprinting is a technique used to identify and categorize the TLS configurations of clients connecting to a server. It involves analyzing the unique aspects of the TLS handshake process – the initial negotiation between client and server when establishing a secure connection. During this handshake, the client sends a "ClientHello" message containing specific details like TLS version, supported cipher suites, and other TLS extensions. The collective characteristics of this message form what is known as a TLS fingerprint.
How Does TLS Fingerprinting Work?
The process of TLS Fingerprinting revolves around examining the ClientHello message. Each client, be it a web browser, an API, or a custom application, often has a unique way of constructing this message. By analyzing the order and presence of various elements in the ClientHello, one can generate a fingerprint that is distinct to that client or a group of similar clients. These fingerprints can then be cataloged and used for various purposes.
Applications of TLS Fingerprinting
- Enhancing Security: TLS Fingerprinting can detect anomalies in network traffic. If a known malicious client has a specific fingerprint, network security systems can flag or block connections from clients with the same fingerprint.
- Traffic Management: It aids in identifying different types of traffic. For instance, distinguishing between traffic from a web browser and an automated script.
- User Identification: While it doesn’t identify individual users, it can help in recognizing traffic patterns associated with specific client types or software versions.
TLS Fingerprinting is a powerful way of identifying classes of connecting clients, eg GO, Python, Java, Curl, Chrome etc. When combined with Advanced Rate Limiting it provides strong protection against Layer 7 DDoS attacks, scraping, and account takeover attacks which typically use the same connecting client distributed amongst thousands of different IPs, usually via residential proxies.