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Caching overview

Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a system of distributed servers that deliver web content to a user based on the geographic locations of the user, the origin of the web page and a content delivery server. Peakhour is a CDN that caches and distributes your website's static assets, such as images, videos, and HTML pages, amongst its global network. This allows your website to load faster and with better reliability, especially for users who are geographically far from the origin server.

Explanation of phases#

Each phase of the CDN process is necessary to ensure that the content delivered to the user is optimized for their specific needs. These phases include:

  1. On Request: This phase involves checking the request from the user to determine whether the content can be cached and if any specific rules apply.

  2. On Response: This phase involves setting the cache policy for the browser and optimizing the response before it is delivered to the user.

  3. On Origin Request: This phase involves checking the origin server's response to determine if the content can be cached and if any specific rules apply.

  4. On Origin Response: This phase involves storing the response from the origin server in the cache, setting the time-to-live (TTL) for the cached content, and optimizing the response before it is delivered to the user.

Use Cases#

Peakhour CDN can be used to improve the performance and reliability of a website, especially for users who are geographically far from the origin server. The various settings and options available in each phase allow the website owner to customize the delivery of content to the user, ensuring that the user gets the best possible experience. For example, the Serve Stale option in the On Origin Request phase allows the CDN to continue to serve stale cached content if the origin server is unavailable. This helps ensure that the user always has access to the content, even if the origin server is down.


In conclusion, the Peakhour CDN is a valuable tool for website owners who want to improve the performance and reliability of their website. The various phases and settings in the CDN allow the website owner to customize the delivery of content to the user, ensuring that the user gets the best possible experience. Whether you need to cache dynamic content for logged-in users or require a minimum cache time for your content, the Peakhour CDN has you covered.